Scrambled Eggs with Onions and Tomatoes (Huevos Pericos con Cebolla y Tomate)

This is a very delicious everyday breakfast dish. My children can't get tired of them especially Adriana; she has them everyday!! My friend Elena G. from Puert Rico loves them. The recipe doubles perfectly.


  • 1/2 beefsteak tomato very red, cut in small dice
  • 1 green onion, cut lenghtwise then very thin slices including green part
  • 1/2 teaspoon palm oil, (it's natural state is solid)
  • salt to taste
  • 1 large egg beaten with a little salt


  1. Place the palm oil into a small skillet and turn heat to medium.
  2. When oil melts and hot add the thinly sliced onions.
  3. Stir until they release their fragrance without letting them burn.
  4. Add the small diced tomatoes and salt, stir and wait until the onion tomato mixture dries.
  5. Add the beaten egg, turn the heat to high.
  6. Stir gently with a rubber spatula until desired consistency is set.

This image shows mixture of tomatoes and onions ready for the eggs:

This image shows the eggs being stirred until set.

And now ready to eat with some extras

Cooking Time

It takes about 10 to 15 minutes start to finish for one person, but add a minute or two for every other eater that you have.