Black Andean Berry Mousse

Delicious, tropical and airy; this mousse recipe is originally from my friend Marion from Bogotá. I changed it a bit but basically it remains the same procedure. Black Andean Berries are cousins with all the berries, these have a bittersweet flavor and have a gorgeous color.


  • 860 grams mora (black andean berry) frozen pulp from a latin american market

  • 400 grams sugar

  • 1 cup heavy whipping cream, very cold

  • 2 egg whites

  • 1/4 teaspoon cream of tartar

  • 1 tablespoon unflavored gelatin

  • 2 tablespoons cold water

  • 1 tablespoon lime or lemon juice


  1. Melt the frozen pulp in a pot at medium-low heat along with 300 grams of the sugar until it dissolves completely.

  2. No boiling is required, remove from heat and leave the berry-sugar mixture aside cooling down.

  3. In a bowl, whip the heavy whipping cream to form firm peaks, cover whith plastic wrap and place in the fridge until ready to use.

  4. In another bowl place the two egg whites with the remaining 100 grams of sugar and the cream of tartar over a pot with simmering water and mix with the hand mixer until it reaches 140 degrees F.

  5. Remove from heat and continue mixing until soft peaks are formed.

  6. Remove heavy whipping cream from the fridge and along with the whipped egg-white-sugar mixture mix it into the cold berry-sugar mixture.

  7. Very gently mix all three together with folding movements until all the mixture is one color, no streaks of white.

  8. Cover this mixture an refrigerate.

  9. In a very small pot place the two tablespoons of water, the tablespoon of lemon juice and the tablespoon of unflavored gelatin and wait until the gelatin is all wet.

  10. Heat over medium heat and while continously mixing, wait until the mixture reaches a creamy consistency.

  11. Return the berry mixture form the fridge to the counter and while very gently, stirring constantly, drop the gelatin mixture in a steady thin stream into the berry mixture until all is incorporated.

  12. Place the mixture into individual cups.

  13. Add a little Chantilly rosette, and voila!

  14. You have a delicious and beautiful dessert.


This food is an amalgamation of her Colombian heritage, stints of living in other countries, Cordon Bleu training and interests in Paleo cooking which stems from one of her son's passion for the topic